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novmbr rain

so much things happen after turning 28... my parents eventually sit me asking who and when? june was really fucked up. crying a lot.  but thank god there's other thing to think about. my brother getting married on his birthday. sadly corona hitting hard. just 5 days before our flight the gov release new travel regulations. we, travelers, must submit vaccine certificate and pcr test. vaccine was still rare in our city and pcr was sooooooooooooooo expensive. more expensive than flight ticket. duck. it was so dramatic. blood, sweat, tears come down for the sake of my brother's wedding. at the end we manage to make it. it was beyond my expectation like I think I'll be depressed or what but it was fun I'm so happy for my brother. and people are no harsh on me like things I'm fear of is their judgement. but let them judge on their own aja deh. karena udah pasti diomongin di belakang. selama ga ngomong depan gue I'm okay. going home from Padang we took 2 days bus cos w

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